Jack Skellington and Sally 'A Moonlit Dance' Figurine (2021) - ID: 028399294930

Jack Skellington and Sally 'A Moonlit Dance' Figurine (2021) - ID: 028399294930 Disneyana



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Price: $65.00
SKU: 028399294930

A Disney Traditions figurine of Jack and Sally from "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas." Titled 'A Dance by Moonlight,' the stone resin figurine designed by Jim Shore imagines the pair dancing in front of a full moon. The figurine was released in 2021 by Enesco as part of the Disney Showcase Collection. Measuring 5"x3.75" and 9" tall, the figurine is in fine condition and comes with the original 7"x5.25"x11.5" box.


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